Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pro Contest

An Pro Contest

Hey guys, we have a contest for you.

Find the weirdest YouTube fetish video.

This is partially a test to see if anyone actually reads this blog and to see if anyone else cares about finding fucked up fetish videos. (both are highly improbable)

-Must be from YouTube
-Can be any fetish, non traditional with a funny explanation is preferred.
-Must include 3 or less tags of your choosing
-Multiple submissions accepted

Put your videos url in the comments section with your tags and email and let the winning begin. All posts will be embedded on the site.

1)The Pro Click 'team' is working on some really cool stuff, I can not say what it is yet but you will want and need it.
2)An old coppy of Punk Rock Confidential i bought in first year that I will never read again but dont really want to throw out based on principle and nostalgia
3)Something from Ruldolf Pechays house
4)Somethign from Oakville
5)More TBA

Contest Closes in a month or something

Here is an example,

Although I find pool and bouncing breasts disgusting the only way i can become sexual excited is by a woman distracting me. This video = 'nut'

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